Zhao Lab

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Welcome to He Zhao Research Group

Our research is dedicated to discovering and engineering emergent quantum phenomena in quantum materials. We achieve this through the synthesis of 2D nanodevices using Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and exfoliation and co-lamination, followed by characterization via Spectroscopic Imaging-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SI-STM) and Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SP-STM). Our primary focus is on exploring topological and correlated states in electron systems. Read more about our research.

Research Highlights

Highlight 1

Modulated SC gap in EuRbFe4As4

Nature 618, 940–945 (2023)

Highlight 5

Charge order and unidirectional quantum coherent state in CsV3Sb5

Nature 599, 216–221 (2021)

Highlight 6

Nematic transition near critial doping in Fe(Te,Se)

Nature Physics 17, 903–908 (2021)

Highlight 3

Antiferromagnetic order melting in (Sr1-xLax)2IrO4

Nature Physics 15, 1267 (2019)

Highlight 4

Epitaxially grown Bi2Ti3 on Fe(Te,Se)

Physical Review B 97, 224504 (2018)

Highlight 2

Moiré lattice in bernal bilayer graphene

Read More in Research

Join Us!

We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated researchers to join our team at Florida State University!

If you are interested in joining our group, please contact: hzhao7@fsu.edu. For more details about our team, visit our People Page.